Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wow time flies!

So yeah I guess I have been MIA for a little bit so I just wanted to update with a few pic from the last few months!


Thomas and Miles were Buzz and Woody.


Adelaide was the cutest witch ever!


Adelaide loved her first Thanksgiving.

1st Thanksgiving

And her first birthday done by Auntie elizabeth was sooooo cute!

Ben made the cake.
Adelaide's cake made by her daddy!

Then we put up the tree.
Decorated cookies.
"frosting" cookies
Colored pic for Santa.
And then went to see him...
loved him from afar!

So that's our last few months in a nutshell! Hope you enjoyed it.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cloth Diapers.....

So I am not sure when it happened but I have apparently become a crazy person. As most of you know Ben can get a little crazy when it comes to chemicals around and in our kids because of this I have to. The more research I do the crazier I become. It started when I got pregnant with Thomas. The more I read about birth the more I decided I wanted to go natural. Then after he was done nursing I couldn't use formula because he broke out in hives, then I found out how much estrogen was in Soy formula. No way was Ben going to let us give that to our son and I agreed. So we used goats milk. Then the bottles BPA very bad, Ben was about that before the FDC said it was bad. So the $10 born free bottles for us. Then in August we were back in Alaska for a quick visit and Tammy got me thinking about cloth diapers. Thomas has always been way sensitive to disposable diapers, we could only use Huggies. When Adelaide came along our diaper budget was crazy we were spending around $70 a month! So when Tammy offered me 7 cloth diapers to try out I took them. He has only used cloth since (accept for the few days I was in the hospital.) So when PFDs came in more cloth diapers were on the top of my list. They came in yesterday! They are so cute and I love them. I got enough to diaper both Thomas and Adelaide. They are all in ones witch means I can use the same ones for both of them and even for a new baby when it comes along. Oh and did I mention that they are made with Hemp. Yeah Ben loves that! And they are made in the USA! Can't go wrong with that.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My life......

Just another day in the life of a SAHM.....

It is 4:30pm Ben is at work, Thomas is sleeping next to me, and Adelaide is playing with the toys that Thomas dumped out all over this morning. I am to tiered to do anything, between AF, the pain in my side coming back so I took a pain killer, and being up all night helping Ben get his homework done, there is no energy left for anything. So here I sit, thinking about what I m going to feed the kidos and at what point I can get them both down for the night so I can climb into my bed.



10 weeks.

10 weeks.

7 weeks.

7 weeks.

6 weeks

6 weeks

4 weeks old

4 weeks old

3 weeks old

3 weeks old
Thomas and Bumkin

2 days old

2 days old
Thomas with Bumkin.


What more do you want I was up all night!